Data Shuttle - Update Dropdowns ALPHABETICALLY
Hi all. I use the Update Dropdowns feature of Data Shuttle quite a bit to help save my team time when filling out forms, etc. They can quickly become an absolute mess letting Data Shuttle manage them…4 · -
Re: Calendar view on the dashboard
@jacquedale On the sheet you want to put on the dashboard, go to the Publish settings on the right sidebar and turn it on for either 'Read Only - HTML', 'Read Only - Full', or 'Edit by Anyone'. Then …2 · -
Re: Split text into columns
@JBluestone Here's the one for Company: =LEFT([Document Name]@row, FIND("-", [Document Name]@row) - 1) Here's the one for Document Type: =LEFT(RIGHT([Document Name]@row, LEN([Document Name]…1 · -
Re: Alternative to Dynamic View?
@LaurieSD Use a report to only show them the columns you want them to see. Use a filter on the report to filter out rows which you don't want them to see based on criteria which either shows them the…1 · -
Re: Need some users to have the ability to update certain columns
@diglife Create a report that they access and make changes to the sheet from which only has the columns you want them using. They can make changes only to approved columns from the report and not the…1 ·